All first years are paired with an upper-class GSP mentor who provides advice and support, based on their own experiences of learning how to navigate the transition to life as a college student.

Applications for upper-class students to become peer mentors go out each spring, and matches are made late July. For more information, you can reach out to

Peer mentors are invaluable in helping first year students transition to life on the Hilltop! Being a peer mentor is a significant but very enjoyable and rewarding responsibility. Some responsibilities include the following:

  • Serve as an active resource for your mentee throughout the school year.
  • Physically meet with your mentee at least once a month throughout the academic year.
  • Answer any questions about Georgetown, pre-registration, college life, GSP resources, etc.
  • Attend a mandatory training session in the Fall semester.
  • Attend Peer Mentor Program events throughout the year.
  • Encourage your mentee to attend GSP events and go with them!
  • Have fun and grow as both a leader and inspiration to your community!!!

GSPeer Mentor-Mentee Pair enjoy an outing!